Samer M. Abdallah, Mark D. Plumbley Polyphonic transcription by non-negative sparse coding of power spectra. [pdf] |
Norman H. Adams, Mark A. Bartsch, Jonah Shifrin, Gregory H. Wakefield Time Series Alignment for Music Information Retrieval. [pdf] |
Philippe Aigrain Whose future is it? [pdf] |
Miguel A. Alonso, Gaël Richard, Bertrand David Tempo And Beat Estimation Of Musical Signals. [pdf] |
Jean-Julien Aucouturier, François Pachet Tools and Architecture for the Evaluation of Similarity Measures : Case Study of Timbre Similarity. [pdf] |
Jean-Julien Aucouturier, François Pachet, Peter Hanappe From Sound Sampling To Song Sampling. [pdf] |
David Bainbridge, Sally Jo Cunningham, J. Stephen Downie GREENSTONE as a Music Digital Library Toolkit. [pdf] |
David Bainbridge, Sally Jo Cunningham, J. Stephen Downie Visual Collaging Of Music In A Digital Library. [pdf] |
Roberto Basili, Alfredo Serafini, Armando Stellato Classification of musical genre: a machine learning approach. [pdf] |
Stephan Baumann, Tim Pohle, Shankar Vembu Towards a Socio-cultural Compatibility of MIR Systems. [pdf] |
Paul Brossier, Juan Pablo Bello, Mark D. Plumbley Fast labelling of notes in music signals. [pdf] |
Pedro Cano, Markus Koppenberger The emergence of complex network patterns in music networks. [pdf] |
Michael A. Casey, Tim Crawford Automatic Location And Measurement Of Score-based Gestures In Audio Recordings. [pdf] |
Òscar Celma Architecture for an MPEG-7 Web Browser. [pdf] |
Fernando William Cruz, Edilson Ferneda, Márcio da Costa P. Brandão, Evandro de Barros Costa, Hyggo Oliveira de Almeida, Murilo Bastos da Cunha, Rafael de Sousa, João Denicol, Carlos da Silva A Brazilian Popular Music Oriented Digital Library For Musical Harmony E-Learning. [pdf] |
Roger B. Dannenberg, Ning Hu Understanding Search Performance in Query-by-Humming Systems. [pdf] |
Laurent Daudet, Gaël Richard, Pierre Leveau Methodology and Tools for the evaluation of automatic onset detection algorithms in music. [pdf] |
Matthew E. P. Davies, Mark D. Plumbley Causal Tempo Tracking of Audio. [pdf] |
Simon Dixon, Fabien Gouyon, Gerhard Widmer Towards Characterisation of Music via Rhythmic Patterns. [pdf] |
Shyamala Doraisamy, Stefan M. Rüger A Polyphonic Music Retrieval System Using N-Grams. [pdf] |
Michael Droettboom, Ichiro Fujinaga Micro-level groundtruthing environment for OMR. [pdf] |
Tuomas Eerola, Petri Toiviainen MIR In Matlab: The MIDI Toolbox. [pdf] |
Jana Eggink, Guy J. Brown Extracting Melody Lines From Complex Audio. [pdf] |
Dan Ellis, John Arroyo Eigenrhythms: Drum pattern basis sets for classification and generation. [pdf] |
Slim Essid, Gaël Richard, Bertrand David Musical instrument recognition based on class pairwise feature selection. [pdf] |
Klaus Frieler Beat and meter extraction using gaussified onsets. [pdf] |
Emilia Gómez, Perfecto Herrera Estimating The Tonality Of Polyphonic Audio Files: Cognitive Versus Machine Learning Modelling Strategies. [pdf] |
Masataka Goto, Katunobu Itou, Koji Kitayama, Tetsunori Kobayashi Speech-Recognition Interfaces for Music Information Retrieval: ‘Speech Completion’ and ‘Speech Spotter’. [pdf] |
Fabien Gouyon, Simon Dixon Dance music classification: A tempo-based approach. [pdf] |
Maarten Grachten, Josep Lluís Arcos, Ramón López de Mántaras Melodic Similarity: Looking for a Good Abstraction Level. [pdf] |
Matthias Gruhne, Christian Uhle, Christian Dittmar, Markus Cremer Extraction of Drum Patterns and their Description within the MPEG-7 High-Level-Framework. [pdf] |
AnYuan Guo, Hava T. Siegelmann Time-Warped Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm for Music Retrieval. [pdf] |
Jin Ha Lee, J. Stephen Downie Survey Of Music Information Needs, Uses, And Seeking Behaviours: Preliminary Findings. [pdf] |
Pierre Hanna, Nicolas Louis, Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Jenny Benois-Pineau Audio Features for Noisy Sound Segmentation. [pdf] |
David Hirst An Analytical Methodology for Acousmatic Music. [pdf] |
Robyn Holmes, Marie-Louise Ayres MusicAustralia: towards a national music information infrastructure. [pdf] |
Jia-Lien Hsu, Arbee L. P. Chen, Hung-Chen Chen Finding Approximate Repeating Patterns from Sequence Data. [pdf] |
Akinori Ito, Sung-Phil Heo, Motoyuki Suzuki, Shozo Makino Comparison Of Features For DP-Matching Based Query-by-Humming System. [pdf] |
Peter Jan O. Doets, Reginald L. Lagendijk Stochastic Model of a Robust Audio Fingerprinting System. [pdf] |
Tristan Jehan Perceptual Segment Clustering For Music Description And Time-axis Redundancy Cancellation. [pdf] |
Steve Jones, Sally Jo Cunningham, Matt Jones Organizing digital music for use: an examination of personal music collections. [pdf] |
Jürgen Kilian, Holger H. Hoos MusicBLAST - Gapped Sequence Alignment for MIR. [pdf] |
Peter Knees, Elias Pampalk, Gerhard Widmer Artist Classification with Web-Based Data. [pdf] |
Ian Knopke Sound, Music and Textual Associations on the World Wide Web. [pdf] |
Arvindh Krishnaswamy Melodic Atoms for Transcribing Carnatic Music. [pdf] |
Pedro Kröger CsoundXML: a meta-language in XML for sound synthesis. [pdf] |
Frank Kurth, Meinard Müller, Andreas Ribbrock, Tido Röder, David Damm, Christian Fremerey A Prototypical Service for Real-Time Access to Local Context-Based Music Information. [pdf] |
Mika Kuuskankare, Mikael Laurson Expressive Notation Package - an Overview. [pdf] |
Olivier Lartillot A multi-parametric and redundancy-filtering approach to pattern identification. [pdf] |
Tin Lay Nwe, Ye Wang Automatic Detection Of Vocal Segments In Popular Songs. [pdf] |
Micheline Lesaffre, Marc Leman, Bernard De Baets, Jean-Pierre Martens Methodological Considerations Concerning Manual Annotation Of Musical Audio In Function Of Algorithm Development. [pdf] |
Ming Li, Ronan Sleep Improving Melody Classification by Discriminant Feature Extraction and Fusion. [pdf] |
Beth Logan Music Recommendation from Song Sets. [pdf] |
Maurício A. Loureiro, Hugo Bastos de Paula, Hani C. Yehia Timbre Classification Of A Single Musical Instrument. [pdf] |
Anna Lubiw, Luke Tanur Pattern Matching in Polyphonic Music as a Weighted Geometric Translation Problem. [pdf] |
Matija Marolt Gaussian Mixture Models For Extraction Of Melodic Lines From Audio Recordings. [pdf] |
Cory McKay, Ichiro Fujinaga Automatic Genre Classification Using Large High-Level Musical Feature Sets. [pdf] |
Martin F. McKinney, Dirk Moelants Extracting the perceptual tempo from music. [pdf] |
R. Mitchell, Irfan A. Essa Feature Weighting for Segmentation. [pdf] |
Daniel Müllensiefen, Klaus Frieler Optimizing Measures Of Melodic Similarity For The Exploration Of A Large Folk Song Database. [pdf] |
Meinard Müller, Frank Kurth, Tido Röder Towards an Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Score-to-Audio Synchronization. [pdf] |
Tomoyasu Nakano, Jun Ogata, Masataka Goto, Yuzuru Hiraga A Drum Pattern Retrieval Method by Voice Percussion. [pdf] |
Andrew Nesbit, Lloyd Hollenberg, Anthony Senyard Towards Automatic Transcription of Australian Aboriginal Music. [pdf] |
Giovanna Neve, Nicola Orio Indexing and Retrieval of Music Documents through Pattern Analysis and Data Fusion Techniques. [pdf] |
François Pachet, Aymeric Zils Automatic extraction of music descriptors from acoustic signals. [pdf] |
Elias Pampalk A Matlab Toolbox to Compute Music Similarity from Audio. [pdf] |
Bryan Pardo Tempo Tracking with a Single Oscillator. [pdf] |
Steffen Pauws Musical key extraction from audio. [pdf] |
Jose Pedro, Vadim Tarasov, Eloi Batlle, Enric Guaus, Jaume Masip Industrial audio fingerprinting distributed system with CORBA and Web Services. [pdf] |
Anna Pienimäki, Kjell Lemström Clustering Symbolic Music Using Paradigmatic and Surface Level Analyses. [pdf] |
Aggelos Pikrakis, Iasonas Antonopoulos, Sergios Theodoridis Music meter and tempo tracking from raw polyphonic audio. [pdf] |
Christopher Raphael A Hybrid Graphical Model for Aligning Polyphonic Audio with Musical Scores. [pdf] |
Christopher Raphael Demonstration of ‘Music Plus One’— a System for Orchestral Musical Accompanimen. [pdf] |
Josh Reiss, Mark B. Sandler Audio Issues In MIR Evaluation. [pdf] |
Vegard Sandvold, Fabien Gouyon, Perfecto Herrera Drum sound classification in polyphonic audio recordings using localized sound models. [pdf] |
Ryan Scherle, Donald Byrd The Anatomy of a Bibliographic Search System for Music. [pdf] |
Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Joseph Keshet, Yoram Singer Learning to Align Polyphonic Music. [pdf] |
Prarthana Shrestha, Ton Kalker Audio Fingerprinting In Peer-to-peer Networks. [pdf] |
Jane Singer Creating a nested melodic representation: competition and cooperation among bottom-up and top-down Gestalt principles. [pdf] |
J. Stephen Downie, Joe Futrelle, David K. Tcheng The International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory: Governance, Access and Security. [pdf] |
Josh Stoddard, Christopher Raphael, Paul E. Utgoff Well-Tempered Spelling: A Key Invariant Pitch Spelling Algorithm. [pdf] |
Craig Stuart Sapp, Yi-Wen Liu, Eleanor Selfridge-Field Search Effectiveness Measures for Symbolic Music Queries in Very Large Databases. [pdf] |
Iman S. H. Suyoto, Alexandra L. Uitdenbogerd Exploring Microtonal Matching. [pdf] |
Sara Taheri-Panah, Andrew MacFarlane Music Information Retrieval systems: why do individuals use them and what are their needs?. [pdf] |
Haruto Takeda, Takuya Nishimoto, Shigeki Sagayama Rhythm and Tempo Recognition of Music Performance from a Probabilistic Approach. [pdf] |
Richard Terrat Pregroup Grammars for Chords. [pdf] |
Adam R. Tindale, Ajay Kapur, George Tzanetakis, Ichiro Fujinaga Retrieval of percussion gestures using timbre classification techniques. [pdf] |
Marc Torrens, Patrick Hertzog, Josep Lluís Arcos Visualizing and Exploring Personal Music Libraries. [pdf] |
Godfried T. Toussaint A Comparison of Rhythmic Similarity Measures. [pdf] |
Ken’ichi Toyoda, Kenzi Noike, Haruhiro Katayose Utility System For Constructing Database Of Performance Deviations. [pdf] |
Wei-Ho Tsai, Hsin-Min Wang Towards Automatic Identification Of Singing Language In Popular Music Recordings. [pdf] |
Rainer Typke, Frans Wiering, Remco C. Veltkamp A search method for notated polyphonic music with pitch and tempo fluctuations. [pdf] |
George Tzanetakis, Ajay Kapur, Manj Benning Query-by-Beat-Boxing: Music Retrieval For The DJ. [pdf] |
Fabio Vignoli Digital Music Interaction Concepts: A User Study. [pdf] |
Fabio Vignoli, Rob van Gulik, Huub van de Wetering Mapping Music In The Palm Of Your Hand, Explore And Discover Your Collection. [pdf] |
Emmanuel Vincent, Xavier Rodet Instrument identification in solo and ensemble music using Independent Subspace Analysis. [pdf] |
Kristopher West, Stephen Cox Features and classifiers for the automatic classification of musical audio signals. [pdf] |
Tillman Weyde The Influence of Pitch on Melodic Segmentation. [pdf] |
Brian Whitman, Dan Ellis Automatic Record Reviews. [pdf] |
Gavin Wood, Simon O’Keefe A Case Study of Distributed Music Audio Analysis Using the Geddei Processing Framework. [pdf] |
Otto Wüst, Òscar Celma An MPEG-7 Database System and Application for Content-Based Management and Retrieval of Music. [pdf] |
Dan Yang, Won-Sook Lee Disambiguating Music Emotion Using Software Agents. [pdf] |
Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Masataka Goto, Hiroshi G. Okuno Automatic Drum Sound Description for Real-World Music Using Template Adaptation and Matching Methods. [pdf] |
Takuya Yoshioka, Tetsuro Kitahara, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroshi G. Okuno Automatic Chord Transcription with Concurrent Recognition of Chord Symbols and Boundaries. [pdf] |
Mark Zadel, Ichiro Fujinaga Web Services for Music Information Retrieval. [pdf] |